Plane: if you travel by plane, we recommend flying to Zurich, Basel or Geneva and then take the train to Bern. Flights to Bern are usually really expensive because it's a tiny ariport.
Train: Trains are quite expensive in Switzerland. But if you book early there are the so called "Sparbillette". These are cheaper tickets that you can buy online in advance. Usually there are "Sparbillette" during the hours of lesser traffic, mostly during the morning or in the afternoon.
If you are travelling by car and have some free seats, please feel free to share it in our facebook-event. Maybe someone is travelling a similar route and happy to share a ride.
We are trying our best to organise private hosting for all the international people with small income who are in need of a cheap stay.
If there are no more places left or if you prefer to stay in a hotel or hostel, here you can find a selection of good and not too expensive hostels near our venues:​​​​​
This hostel is a 10min walk away from our workshop location. With a beatuiful view over the river Aare.
Also we managed to get a 10% discount for everyone from the festival!
Discount code: Fusionizers 2025
If you want to profit from this sale you need to book directly over mail (bern@youthhostel.ch) or phone (031 326 11 11) and tell them that you are joining Fusionizers. You can use the discount on any type of room in the hostel; dorm, double or single room.​​​

This hostel is a bit further away, but with good connection to public transport.
This hostel is located right in the middle of the old town of Bern. Within walking distance to the workshop location.
For everyone who is in need of a cheap stay but doesn't need a lot of comfort:​​​​

​We rented a room on the topfloor of Salsacancers (the location where the workshops and two parties will be).
For 10chf per night you can sleep there "camping style".
There's a shower and toilet. You just need to bring your own mattress and sleeping bag.